Have you heard of Parler? In case you
haven't, Parler is (was?) a social network for racists the alt-right that
gained notoriety this week. Having allegedly been used to coordinate the
storming of the U.S. Capitol, its app was removed from both the Google Play
Store and the Apple Store and then pulled from Amazon AWS
the next day. With no hosting and no app, Parler has been effectively
killed by the tech giants.
The swift removal of Parler from the internet is the incident that, I
hope, will bring together the right and the left under a common cause: that the
internet should be considered a public utility and that Internet Service
Providers (ISP) should be regulated as such.
A public utility is a service that everyone needs (think water and
electricity) and where regulation is needed because the
high cost of entry discourages competition (so-called natural
It has been argued that internet should be included in this list too - can
you imagine your current daily life without internet?
ISPs, on the other hand, are happy setting their own
prices and policies, and have resisted for years efforts in this direction.
Parler was effectively removed from the internet by the tech giants under the
argument that, as private companies, they have the right to refuse service to
anyone they don't want to work with[1]. But ISPs are private companies too, and
therefore free to do the same to you - if your live in a country with
no ISP regulation, your provider has a right to stop giving you internet access
and tank your business with little repercussions.
And here is where I hope both "the left" and "the right" will see that their
interests overlap. The left should support ISP regulations (and net neutrality!)
because they believe, as Germany and France put it,
that free speech should be governed by law and not by tech giants. The right,
on the other hand, should realize that they gave tech monopolies all the cards
and that they are the only ones getting kicked
out of their social media accounts.
If the President of the United States himself can be banned from Twitter,
Facebook, Snapchat and Youtube,
then no one is safe.
Why ISPs?
You might have noticed that everyone I linked above talks about regulating
Amazon, Google, and/or Apple. I, on the other hand, would suggest that we
focus on ISPs instead for the following reasons.
First, because the internet parallels the history of the telephone almost
perfectly: a communication technology that catches on and
that, while not biologically required (unlike water and heating), plays a
critical role for life in a society. And ISPs are not "like" the telephone
companies, they are the telephone companies.
Second, because it makes sense that
internet should be provided to everyone without discrimination: imagine a world
in which your shower stops working because you said in public that you prefer
bottled water, or where your telephone is disconnected because you bad-mouthed
someone during a conversation.
And finally, because it's the last step down the technology chain at
which you can still survive: there are alternatives to Amazon AWS, and if they
won't have you then you could still plug your own server and keep going (ask
the Pirate Bay).
But if
the only ISP in town denies you service, what are you going to do, move your
family to the closest town? Ask people to send you letters?
So here's my proposal: make the internet a public utility and, in exchange,
give ISPs immunity from what their customers do with it. Let's bring the
internet into the 21st century.
[1] Leaving illegal discrimination aside, which doesn't seem to be the
case here.
I am developing a simple HTML5 game with Unity.
The experience reminded me of
my post about Rust and
led me to coin a new term that I'd like to discuss today.
Ladies and gentlemen, in the spirit of Object-Oriented Programming
I present to you Internet-Oriented Software Development (IOSD):
a style of software development in which the official way to program is by
trying something, giving up, asking strangers on the internet, and hoping for
the best.
You may wonder: how is this new, seeing as that's what we are all
already doing? The keyword here is "official". If you want to program with
(say) Keras during a long trip with unreliable internet, you could do it with
an offline version of the API reference alone. Sure,
getting the offline docs will take a bit of work, but at least there's an
official repository of knowledge that you can always go to. Of course you can
search on the wider internet for help too, but you don't have to.
IOSD is different: when you release IOSD software you publish an okay
guide to your software, and that's it. There is no need for you to keep it up
to date nor for it to be useful, because your documentation is Internet-Oriented:
if someone has a problem, they can ask the internet, IRC channels, their
co-workers, anyone but you.
Rust came to mind because, as I complained before, that's how their intended
development cycle apparently works: if you don't know how to do something, you
are encouraged to either search the forums or ask the developers. In the later
case, "we don't know, we won't do it, and we won't tell you who is doing it
right" is a possible response.
TensorFlow used to be like that too (ask me about the Seq2Seq tutorial!), but
they reversed course and their current official suggestion is that you
use Keras (no, seriously).
But Unity is an even better example. For starters, the official docs are
essentially useless because they tell you what something does but neither
why nor what to use it for. Can you guess in which situations is a
Sprite renderer
required, and what do you need it for? Because I can't.
One might argue that Unity Learn is where you
should look for answers, in which case one would be wrong. Taking the first
course in the "Game development" section, for instance, gets you
this tutorial
which is only valid for an outdated version of Unity.
No, the real source of answers are YouTube tutorials. Sure, sometimes they
refer to windows that aren't there anymore and/or changed their name, but you
can always add a "2019.4" to your search and try again.
I am not entirely a beginner with Unity, as I worked with it for
my PhD projects. Even then, the list of resources I needed to complete my
current project so far includes 5 YouTube tutorials, 2 forum threads, and
zero links to official documentation.
Is this a problem? Is IOSD better than the thick manuals we had before?
Am I the only one getting outdated answers for trivial problems?
I have no idea. So I propose a compromise: I will point
at the situation and give it a name, let someone else answer the hard
questions, and we will share the credit.
Gephi is a tool for graph visualization that's great for
plotting big datasets. If you have large, complex graphs to plot, Gephi has
plenty of layouts that you can apply to your data and turn a mess of a graph
into something that hopefully makes sense.
But there's something Gephi can't do: animations. The layout algorithms at work
look awesome, and yet there's no easy way to create a video out of them.
Capturing the screen is an alternative, but the final resolution is not really
It has been suggested that you could export images of the individual networks
at every step and then put them together. Of course, the people who suggested
this in the past have also...
... sworn that they have scripts to do it,
... promised that they'll release them after a quick cleanup, and
I am also assuming that you are using Linux. This is not a requirement, but it
does make my life easier.
Preparing your data
The first step is to have some data to visualize. For the purposes of this
exercise, you can download this zip file
containing two files named nodes.csv and edges.csv. They form a simple
directed graph that I generated from a sample of directories in my computer.
Now, load them into Gephi:
Start a new Project
Load the nodes table: File → Import spreadsheet → nodes.csv.
Follow the steps, but remember to select "Append to existing workspace" in the last one.
Repeat the previous step, this time using the edges.csv file.
Next, choose a layout. In my experience it is better to try them all first, see
which one gives the best result, and then generate the final graph from scratch.
Generating the final graph will take a while, so it's better to do it only once
you are sure about which parameters to use.
Exporting all frames
It is now time to run our first script. If you don't have the
Scripting Plugin
installed, you can do it now via Tools → Plugins. We will use it to
write a very simple Python script that does the following:
Run a single step of a layout
Take note of the relative size of the graph (we'll come back to this)
Export it to a PNG file
Return to step 1.
In case you want to copy-paste it, this is the script I used. Don't forget to
remove the comments first, because Gephi doesn't like them.
defmake_frames(iters,layout,outdir):# As many iterations as frames we want to generateforiinrange(iters):# Run a single step of our layoutrunLayout(layout,iters=1)# Calculate the bounding box of this specific graphmin_x=0max_x=0min_y=0max_y=0fornodeing.nodes:min_x=min(min_x,node.x)max_x=max(max_x,node.x)min_y=min(min_y,node.y)max_y=max(max_y,node.y)width=max_x-min_xheight=max_y-min_y# Generate a file and include the graph's bounding box# information in its filenameexportGraph("%s/%05d-%d-%d.png"%(outdir,i,width,height))
Once you have copied this script into the console, you can generate all
animation frames with the command make_frames(100, FruchtermanReingold, "/tmp/").
This will run the FruchtermanReingold layout for 100 iterations, and will save
the generated frames in the /tmp/ directory. Of course, you can choose other
layouts (see the documentation
for more info) and you can run the script for a larger number of steps.
You can also customize the layout parameters in the regular Layout tab, and
the script will pick them up.
The script will block Gephi entirely, so don't go for a really high
number of steps from the beginning. Start with 50-100, and only then move on.
For a nicer effect, make a single run of the "Random" algorithm first.
This will put all your nodes in a very small space, and the final effect will
be like an explosion of nodes.
Generating the animation
A further issue to deal with is the changing size of the image canvas.
If we set Gephi to generate a 1024x1024 output image but we only have
two nodes close to each other, those two nodes will look huge. If we have
thousands of disperse nodes, however, the individual nodes will be barely
visible. Therefore, if you made a video with the images we generated in the
previous section directly, you would almost certainly get a zoom effect where
the nodes would get bigger and smaller as the graph gets denser or sparser
To avoid this, we need to scale all pictures proportionally.
The Bash script below calculates the maximum theoretical size of our graph
(based on those variables we added to the filenames before), scales all images
down to the proper size (as defined by canvas_w and canvas_h), and places
them in the center of a single-color canvas (see the rgb() call).
# Directory where all individual frames areSOURCE_DIR=/tmp
# Directory where final frames will be storedTARGET_DIR=/tmp/outdir
# Obtain the theoretical maximum width and height in the PNG framesmax_width=`ls${SOURCE_DIR}/*png|cut-f2-d'-'|sort-n|tail-1`max_height=`ls${SOURCE_DIR}/*png|cut-f3-d'-'|cut-f1-d'.'|sort-n|tail-1`# Give your desired canvas sizecanvas_w=1024canvas_h=1024# Scaling factor for the frames, based on the largest theoretical dimensionif(($max_width>$max_height))thenfactor=`bc-l<<<"$canvas_w/$max_width"`elsefactor=`bc-l<<<"$canvas_h/$max_height"`fi# Generate the new framesforfilein${SOURCE_DIR}/*png
do# Obtain the properties of the imageframe=`echo$file|xargs-n1basename|cut-f1-d'-'`width=`echo$file|cut-f2-d'-'`height=`echo$file|cut-f3-d'-'|cut-f1-d'.'`# Calculate how the image should be scaled downnew_width=`bc-l<<<"scale=0; ($width*$factor)/1"`new_height=`bc-l<<<"scale=0; ($height*$factor)/1"`# Put it all togetherconvert$file-scale${new_width}x${new_height}png:-|\convert--gravityCenter-background"rgb(255,255,255)"\-auto-orient-extent${canvas_w}x${canvas_h}\${TARGET_DIR}/${frame}.png
Once you have generated this second set of frames, you can generate your final
video going to your TARGET_DIR directory and running the command
If your video is too slow, a higher framerate value will do the trick (and
vice versa). The final result, heavily compressed for the internet, can be
seen below:
Final thoughts
I hope you'll find this guide useful. I'm not going to say that it's easy to
follow all these steps, but at least you can set them up once and forget about
Some final points:
For an alternative method of graph generation involving nodes with timestamps,
this script looks like the way to go.
I'm interested in unifying everything under a single script - I chose Python
because it was easier than Java, but maybe developing a proper multi-platform
plugin is the way to go. I can't promise I'll do it, but I'll think about it.
In that same vein, perhaps the script should center in a specific node?
If you plan to publish your video on the internet by yourself, this
post gives a nice overview
of which standards to use. If you want to tweak the video quality, this
SE question
provides some magic incantations for FFmpeg.
Finally, and speaking of magic incantations, special thanks to this
for providing the right ImageMagick parameters.
Here is an idea that I had and that I don't have time to work on.
I read somewhere about the following job interview question:
What happens after you write a URL in your browser and press Enter?
If you think about this for a moment, you might realize that what this question
really means is "tells us everything you know about computers". I have yet to
find a topic that wouldn't be involved in giving a full response. Off the top of
my head, and in roughly chronological order, you would have to explain...
... how your keyboard sends signals, including the difference between
pressing and releasing a key. Also, how your computer display works.
... how to turn a series of electric impulses into a character.
... how to parse a URL, including the difference between Unicode and ASCII.
... how the internet works: DNS, TCP/IP, IPv4 vs IPv6, routing, etc
... how the browser and server negotiate the type of content they want. It
might also include an introduction to the GZIP compression algorithm.
... a primer on HTTPS, including cryptography and handling certificates.
... what is a web server and how it works. Same for load balancers, proxies,
and pretty much all modern server infrastructure.
... how your operating system renders anything on screen.
... how your web browser renders content.
... the standards involved in receiving content: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.
I imagine that this would be a great idea for a Wiki: the main page would simply
present the general question, and you could go deeper and deeper until you reach
your motherboard's buses, your microprocessor's cache, the specifics of BGP, or
pretty much anything that was ever used in an internet-connected computer.
I was never asked this question, which is a bit of a missed opportunity: I don't
know exactly how many hours I could waste on this question, but I'm willing to
bet it would be more than what any reasonable interviewer is willing to spend.
More realistically, I imagine the point of the question is both to check whether
you know about computers and, more important, whether you know when to
stop talking about computers.
The Council of the European Union has released this
Draft in which they call for what is effectively a ban
on End-to-End Encryption (E2EE). The document itself is unsurprisingly vague,
but if you follow the parallel document about "Exceptional
Access" you'll see a bunch of proposed solutions, all of which require the
interception of your private communications.
As it is to be expected, the documents pinky swears that this is the only way
that terrorists and child predators will be stopped.
There are several reasons why this is a stupid idea. Today's post will briefly
detail the main two.
First, this is technically impossible. The entire point of E2EE is that no one
(not you, not me, not the NSA) can decrypt their content without the right key.
And yet, the proposal that
has been passed around in the last years is the idea of a "master key", a key
that only authorities have and that would be "carefully" used by the authorities
to legally decrypt content between two parties that they consider suspicious.
So let's assume that WhatsApp implements this idea. They now have a single key
that only the EU can access. Well, two keys - Australia has legally mandated
backdoors, so
they need their own. And China will need one too. The US wouldn't need one,
simply because some of WhatsApp servers are in the USA and therefore the NSA can
use a National Security Letter to
force WhatsApp to reveal the other keys while forbidding everyone to talk about this.
As you can see, the "one single key" idea is flawed from the very beginning.
And then there are the hackers: if it comes out that there is a secret key
that breaks WhatsApp's encryption, it is now a race between WhatsApp's
engineers to keep it safe against every single government in the world trying
to break it.
The second main point is: if you ban secure communications, then only criminals
will have access to secure communications. We already have unbreakable
encryption and it is trivial for any criminal organization to deploy their own.
So they are not the ones whose communications will get intercepted. The only
wiretapped ones will be us, the law-abiding citizens. Instead of keeping us
safe from criminals, the Council of the European Union is delivering us into the
data collection efforts of the NSA and friends.
A call for action
Do you remember when the European Unions imposed
sanctions against the NSA for their illegal data collection? Me
neither, because that didn't happen. And I don't see why this time it would be
any different. Well, there is that one time when Angela Merkel told Obama that
she was angry he wiretapped her phone.
I'm sure he felt really bad about that. But my point is: I wouldn't expect
our politicians to stand up for our privacy, in particular when they are the
ones creating the problem to begin with.
We have once again a proposal that will not stop any criminals,
is technically impossible, and that is being written without asking anyone who
knows what they are talking about. If you are in the EU I ask you to contact
your representatives - I am not aware at the time of any movement against this,
but I bet at least the Pirate Party will
have something to say (edit Nov. 25: they do). The tech industry already lost the DRM fight (as
exemplified by the ongoing youtube-dl saga) and
the fight against Article 13.
And there are lobbying efforts underway to
bring software patents to Europe.
Don't let your privacy go away too.
Further reading
Whenever someone swears that they can keep the "master key" secret, remind
them of that time the secret NSA luggage keys
ended up in the Washington Post.
A Hacker News thread with
more than 650+ comments discussing several other points
with much more details.