
Fine-tuning a Transformer for text classification

I have found myself often enough trying to classify a text that I decided to be lazy and write a solution that I could always rely on.

The following script is an example on how to pre-train a HuggingFace transformer for text classification. This example uses only two classes, identifying whether the sentiment of a text is positive or negative, but nothing stops you from adding more classes as long as you predict just one.

There are no difficult imports that I can tell - I think you can install all the required libraries with the command

pip install transformers datasets evaluate nltk

but I'll double check just in case.

Update: I have changed the script to extract the function get_dataset_from_json_files(). You can use this function as is to replace the calls to get_data(). I also updated the prediction code to give an example of how to make predictions for a lot of texts at once.

import json
import numpy as np
import os
import random
import tempfile
# These are all HuggingFace libraries
from datasets import load_dataset
import evaluate
from transformers import DistilBertTokenizer, DistilBertForSequenceClassification,\
     TrainingArguments, Trainer, TextClassificationPipeline
# KeyDataset is a util that will just output the item we're interested in.
from transformers.pipelines.pt_utils import KeyDataset
# Library for importing a sentiment classification dataset.
# Only here for demo purposes, as you would use your own dataset.
from nltk.corpus import movie_reviews

# The BERT tokenizer is always the same so we declare it here globally.
tokenizer = DistilBertTokenizer.from_pretrained("distilbert-base-uncased")

def get_data():
    """ Returns a dataset built from a toy corpora.

        An object containing all of our training, validation, and test data.
        This object stores all the information about a text, namely, the raw
        text (which is stored both as text and as numeric tokens) and the
        proper class for every text.

    If you have texts in this format already then you can skip most of this
    function and simply jump to the `get_dataset_from_files` function.

    Most of this function is taken from the code in
    Note that that link is very confusing at times, so if you read that code
    remember to be patient.
    # We read all of our (toy) data from NLTK. The exception catches the case
    # where we haven't downloaded it yet and downloads it.
        all_ids = movie_reviews.fileids()
    except LookupError:
        import nltk
        all_ids = movie_reviews.fileids()
    # We identify texts by their ID. Given that we have those IDs now, we
    # proceed to shuffle them and assign each one to a specific split.
    # Note that we fix the random seed to ensure that the datasets are always
    # the same across runs. This is not strictly necessary after creating a
    # dataset object (because we want to reuse it), but it is useful if you
    # delete that dataset and want to recreate it from scratch.
    num_records = len(all_ids)
    # This dictionary holds the name of the temporay files we will create.
    tmp_files = dict()
    # We assigne the IDs we read before to their data splits.
    # Note that we use a fixed 80/10/10 fixed split.
    for split in ['train', 'val', 'test']:
        if split == 'train':
            split_ids = all_ids[:int(0.8 * num_records)]
        elif split == 'val':
            split_ids = all_ids[int(0.8 * num_records):int(0.9 * num_records)]
            split_ids = all_ids[int(0.9 * num_records):]
        all_data = []
        # We read the data one record at the time and store it as dictionaries.
        for text_id in split_ids:
            # We read the text.
            text = movie_reviews.raw(text_id)
            # We read the class and store it as an integer.
            if movie_reviews.categories(text_id)[0] == 'neg':
                label = 0
                label = 1
            all_data.append({'id': text_id, 'text': text, 'label': label})
        # Step two is to save this data as a list of JSON records in a temporary
        # file. If you use your own data you can simply generate these files as
        # JSON from scratch and save yourself this step.
        # Note that we also save the name of the temporary file in a dictionary
        # so we can re-read it later.
        tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
        tmp_files[split] = tmp_file.name

    # Step three is to create a data loader that will read the data we just
    # saved to disk.
    dataset = get_dataset_from_json_files(tmp_files['train'], tmp_files['val'], tmp_files['test'])

    # Remove the temporary files and return the tokenized dataset.
    for _, filename in tmp_files.items():
    return dataset

def get_dataset_from_json_files(train_file, val_file=None, test_file=None):
    """ Given a set of properly-formatted files, it reads them and returns
    a Dataset object containing all of them.

    train_file : str
        Path to a file containing training data.
    val_file : str
        Path to a file containing validation data.
    test_file : str
        Path to a file containing test data.

        An object containing all of our training, validation, and test data.
        This object stores all the information about a text, namely, the raw
        text (which is stored both as text and as numeric tokens) and the
        proper class for every text.

    IMPORTANT: the first time you run this code, the resulting dataset is saved
    to a temporary file. The console will tell you where it is (in Linux it is
    /home/<user>/.cache/huggingface/datasets/...). This temporary location is
    used in all subsequent calls, so if you change your dataset remember to
    remove this cached file first!

    This function is a thin wrapper around the `load_dataset` function where
    we hard-coded the file format to use JSON.
    If you don't want to read that function's documentation, it is enough to
    provide files whose content is simply a JSON list of dictionaries, like so:
    [{'id': '1234', 'text': 'My first text', 'label': 0}, {'id': '5678', 'text': 'My second text', 'label': 1}]
    files_dict = {'train': train_file}
    if val_file is not None:
        files_dict['val'] = val_file
    if test_file is not None:
        files_dict['test'] = test_file
    dataset = load_dataset('json', data_files=files_dict)

    # Tokenize the data
    def tokenize_function(examples):
        return tokenizer(examples['text'], padding='max_length', truncation=True)
    tokenized_dataset = dataset.map(tokenize_function, batched=True)

    # Return the tokenized dataset.
    return tokenized_dataset

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # In which mode we want to use this script
    # 'train': start from a pre-trained model, fine-tune it to a dataset, and then
    #          save the resulting model
    # 'test': evaluate the performance of a fine-tuned model over the test data.
    # 'predict': make predictions for unseen texts.
    mode = 'predict'
    assert mode in ['train', 'test', 'predict'], f'Invalid mode {mode}'
    # We define here the batch size and training epochs we want to use.
    batch_size = 16
    epochs = 10
    # Where to save the trained model.
    trained_model_dir = 'training_output_dir'
    if mode == 'train':
        # Train mode. Code adapted mostly from:
        # https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/training#train-with-pytorch-trainer.
        # Collect the training data
        inputs = get_data()
        # Since we are starting from scratch we download a pre-trained bert model
        # from HuggingFace. Note that we are hard-coding the number of classes here!
        model = DistilBertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("distilbert-base-uncased", num_labels=2)
        # Define training arguments
        # You can define a loooot more hyperparameters - see them all in
        # https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/v4.26.1/en/main_classes/trainer#transformers.TrainingArguments
        training_args = TrainingArguments(output_dir=trained_model_dir,
        # Define training evaluation metrics
        metric = evaluate.load('accuracy')

        def compute_metrics(eval_pred):
            logits, labels = eval_pred
            predictions = np.argmax(logits, axis=-1)
            return metric.compute(predictions=predictions, references=labels)
        # Define the trainer object and start training.
        # The model will be saved automatically every 500 epochs.
        trainer = Trainer(model=model,
    elif mode == 'test':
        # Perform a whole run over the validation set.
        # This code is adapted mostly from:
        # https://huggingface.co/docs/evaluate/base_evaluator
        # Some useful information also here:
        # https://huggingface.co/docs/datasets/metrics

        # Collect the validation data
        inputs = get_data()
        # Create our evaluator
        task_evaluator = evaluate.evaluator("text-classification")

        # Use the model we trained before to predict over the validation data.
        # Note that we are providing the name of the classes by hand. We are not
        # using these labels here, but it is useful for the prediction branch.
        model = DistilBertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(f'./{trained_model_dir}/checkpoint-1000/',
                                                                    id2label={0: 'negative', 1: 'positive'})
        # Define the evaluation parameters. We use the common text evaluation
        # measures, but there are plenty more.
        eval_results = task_evaluator.compute(
            metric=evaluate.combine(['accuracy', 'precision', 'recall', 'f1']),
            label_mapping={"negative": 0, "positive": 1}
        # `eval_results` is a dictionary with the same keys we defined in
        # the `metric` parameters, plus some time measures.
    elif mode == 'predict':
        # Make predictions for individual texts.
        # Same as above, we use the model we trained before to predict a single text.
        model = DistilBertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(f'./{trained_model_dir}/checkpoint-1000/',
                                                                    id2label={0: 'negative', 1: 'positive'})
        # We build a text classification pipeline.
        # Note that `top_k=None` gives us probabilities for every class while
        # `top_k=1` returns values for the best class only.
        # Inspired on https://discuss.huggingface.co/t/i-have-trained-my-classifier-now-how-do-i-do-predictions/3625
        pipe = TextClassificationPipeline(model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer,
                                          batch_size=batch_size, top_k=None)
        sequences = ['Hello, my dog is cute', 'Hello, my dog is not cute']
        predictions = pipe(sequences)
        # The above print shows something like:
        # [[{'label': 'positive', 'score': 0.574},
        #   {'label': 'negative', 'score': 0.426}],
        #  [{'label': 'negative', 'score': 0.868},
        #  {'label': 'positive', 'score': 0.132}]]

        # For a more heavy-duty approach we now classify an entire dataset.
        inputs = get_data()
        test_inputs = inputs['test']
        outputs = []
        # Note that 'text' is the key we defined in the `get_data` function.
        for out in pipe(KeyDataset(test_inputs, 'text'), batch_size=batch_size, truncation=True, max_length=512):
        # Now that we collected all outputs we massage them a little bit for
        # a more friendly format. For every prediction we will print a line like:
        # 'pos/cv093_13951.txt: positive (0.996)'
        for i in range(len(test_inputs)):
            id = test_inputs[i]['id']
            pred_label = outputs[i][0]['label']
            pred_prob = outputs[i][0]['score']
            print(f'{id}: {pred_label} ({pred_prob})')